Friday, October 19, 2012

Shiny Happy Monsters

I signed up to do a Halloween craft at Ayla's school this week. As i'm scrambling for ideas, i'm working hard at avoiding anything cliche. You know...pumpkins, bats and ghosts. Also, I have a crazy stash of random fabric scraps,  fuzzy pom poms, pipe cleaners, yarn, googly eyes etc. I'm thinking, these things need to get used up!
We made "Friendly Monster" masks and they are as spooky as a black cat on Hallow's Eve. This is a great craft for preschoolers because it helps them use their imagination and work on creative expression. Such a fun, easy project that requires just a few supplies and a bubbling imagination.

Here's what you'll need to create your monster: foam circles, craft sticks, tacky glue and googly eyes.  For the rest of the decorations, use what you have around the house and get to it!


  1. with your creativity can't you start a crafts business just for little people?? need to put all that talent into play!!!!

  2. hank you, I've thought about it before, I do enjoy doing crafts with kids ... a future plan, for sure :)
